Saturday, December 12, 2009

Massage Oil Recipes

For an original, special massage, prepare your massage oil yourself. Free massage oil recipes.

Coconut And Pineapple Massage Oil - Refreshing massage oil ...

Cold And Flu Massage Oil - For cold and flu relief ...

Foot Massage Oil - Easy to make foot massage oil ...

Muscle Massage Oil - Soothing massage oil ...

Pain Relief Massage Oil - Soothing massage oil ...

Romantic Massage Oil - Special massage oil ...

Stress Relief Massage Oil - Soothing massage oil ...

Chocolate Massage Bar - Hmmm, chocolate massage

Coconut Pineapple Massage Oil

Coconut Pineapple Massage Oil Recipe

1 cup carrier oil (olive oil, sweet almond oil, or grapeseed oil)
1/4 teaspoon coconut fragrance oil
1/4 teaspoon pineapple fragrance oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Cold And Flu Massage Oil

Cold And Flu Relief Massage Oil Recipe

10 teaspoons grapeseed oil
5 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops Lavender essential oil
5 drops Ravensara essential oil
5 drops Marjoram essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Foot Massage Oil

Foot Massage Oil Recipe

4 tablespoons of sweet almond oil
10 drops spearmint essential oil
10 drops rosemary essential oil
5 drops wintergreen essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm oil before the foot massage.

Muscle Massage Oil

Muscle Relief Massage Oil Recipe

2 tablespoon carrier oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
8 drops rosemary essential oil
4 drops ginger essential oil
3 drops peppermint essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Pain Relief Massage Oil

Pain Relief Massage Oil Recipe

1/4 cup carrier oil
8 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops peppermint essential oil
2 drops chamomile essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Romantic Massage Oil

Lovers Romantic Massage Oil Recipe

2 tablespoons carrier oil
2 tablespoon rosehip seed oil
20 drops patchouli essential oil
10 drops lemongrass essential oil
10 drops vanilla fragrance oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Stress Relief Massage Oil

Stress Relief Massage Oil Recipe

10 teaspoons grapeseed oil
10 drops Lavender essential oil
10 drops Petitgrain essential oil
5 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Chocolate Massage Bar

Chocolate Massage Bar Recipe

1/2 cup melted cocoa butter
1 tablespoon bees wax
1 tablespoon coconut oil

Melt the ingredients in a double boiler, then mix the well to combine them. Remove fromt he heat and let the mixture cool just enough to release some of the heat. Pour the mixture into candy molds and allow to continue to cool overnight.

These massage bars have a chocolate aroma and are solid when they at room temperature, but melt easily at body temperature, when rubbed in your hands.
To use your massage bar, rub it in your hands and the bar will start to melt. You can then use to share a massage or on freshly shaved legs.

Beach Massage

Beach massage
Beach massage is the ultimate ideal way of relaxing in the sunshine to the soundtrack of the ocean lapping against the sand. Beach massages are available in a wide range of forms and can be found in many different locations across the world. Some beach massages are even available in special beach villa packages or even yacht packages if you are feeling like splashing out on a really special pampering excursion. You can often also choose to have your beach massage with a beauty therapist or even a sports masseur, depending upon the type of beach massage treatment that you prefer. Beach massages are available in different lengths of time as well, and you can often choose to extend the time length of time a treatment takes by paying a little bit more money for the privilege.

Beach massages are comforting and offer a level of relaxation rejuvenation that is both a soothing and refreshing experience. A balance of nature and science combined with the use of high end products and professional personal attention is an invigorating experience that you can enjoy in luxurious settings across the globe. A top quality beach massage will encompass a combination of techniques based entirely upon your own personal needs and preferences.

Beach Massage Benefits

The benefits of beach massage include the following:

  • Beach massages promote tanning
  • Beach massages aid the body’s flexibility and range of motion
  • Beach massages help you to relax and rejuvenate, helping to relieve stress
  • Some beach massages can help to manage pain and aid weight loss and muscle gain
  • Beach massages are proven to improve circulation and relieve tension in your body
  • It is even said that beach massages can help to improve your posture and even lower blood pressure
  • Beach massages help to transform the body and spirit in general, and come very highly recommended by all of those who have been lucky enough to experience one

Beach Massage Options

Beach massage is available in numerous different packages. The exact package and cost will depend very much on the individual service provided by the organisers or individual companies. Some great examples of ways to relax, pamper and indulge yourself on the beach are as follows:

  • Beach massage "head specific" massages
  • Beach massage "back specific" massages
  • Invigorating massages for those who are feeling a little tired and run down in general
  • Relaxing massage for those who are feeling pent up and stressed in general
  • Foot spas for those of you who have spent too long running around
  • Aromatherapy to aid the body in relaxing and being ‘at one’ with nature
  • Balancing stone massage for those with a more earthy view of the world
  • Reflexology and aromatherapy

In some cases a beach massage can include other pampering experiences, including detox, finger nail and pedicure treatments, and even facials.

Vaginal Massage

While most couples fondle the vagina as a foreplay technique, few make it the main course.

A vaginal massage can be an extremely pleasurable experience and it helps your intimate relationship. It releases emotional tensions and stress.

Vaginal Massage Techniques

Have her lie on her back and place a pillow under her hips. Her legs should be spread apart with knees slighlty bent and her genitals well exposed for the massage.

Start by lightly massaging the chest, arms, and hands. Then glide down to the legs. After finishing the fronts of the legs and feet, glide back up and slowly brush over the genitals, teasing them. This teasing can be prolonged by brushing the inner thighs near the genitals, very lightly touching the pubic region.

Pour a small quantity of oil or lubricant on the mound (mons pubis) of the vagina.
Start massaging gently the mound and outer lips of the vagina. Do not rush, go slowly.

Gently squeeze the outer labia (lip) between thumb and index finger and slide up and down the entire length of each lip. Similarly massage the inner labia of her vagina.
Ask if the pressure, speed and depth of the strokes are adequate, or if they need to be increased/decreased.

Gently stroke the clitoris with clockwise and counterclockwise circles.
Gently squeeze the clitoris between thumb and index finger. She will become very aroused at this point so encourage her to relax and breathe.

Slowly insert your middle finger into her vagina and gently explore and massage the inside of her vagina. Go slowly, be gentle and stroke up, down and sideways. Vary the pressure, speed and depth.
With your palm facing up, and middle finger inside her vagina, move your middle finger back and forth (like in a "come here" gesture). Also move your finger in circles and side to side. Take your time ...
You can also insert more than one finger depending on her flexibility and desire to be filled.

Try this: When you massage the clitoris, use your thumb in an up and down motion, while the rest of your hand massaging or resting on the mound.

If she has an orgasm, continue massaging if she wants. More orgasms may occur, each stronger in intensity. Keep massaging until she tells you to stop.

Tap Dancing

Tap dancing is another vaginal massage technique.

Place the palm of your hand on her mons pubis (the mound), and rest your fingers lightly on her vaginal lips. Rest your thumb on her thigh. Lightly but firmly press your palm onto her mons and begin to move your hand in a small circular motion. Your palm should not slide too much over her skin during this process. Rather, her skin should move underneath it.
Repeat this process until you have done ten circles.

Then raise your fingers and lightly tap her vaginal lips about once a second until you have given her ten taps. After giving the taps, rest your hand for five to ten seconds. Then repeat the whole routine over and over.

Effects of the vaginal massage:

Releases emotional tensions and stress
Reduces menstrual pain
Eliminates pain when having intercourse
Increased sensitivity in the vagina
Increased lubrication when sexually aroused
Opens up to new levels of ecstatic pleasure
More powerful orgasms and easier obtained
Eliminates emotional blockages in relation to sex

Massage Tips

People go to a spa or a clinic or any place where massage is offered so they can have time to relax and flush out the stress and toxins that ail their bodies. As a receiver of the massage, a person will get his or her money’s worth if he or she focuses on the massage being given and enjoy it to its fullest.

To make the massage a truly worthwhile experience, here are some tips to bear in mind.

1. Before the massage. When you make your appointment, make it a point to know exactly what kind or technique of massage that will be used on you. Know as much as you can about the massage technique and make sure you are comfortable with it.

Bring yourself into a frame of mind that will enable you to absorb fully the benefits of the massage you will be having. Clear your mind of whatever worries you before you show up for your appointment. If you can manage it, clear the entire day of your scheduled massage and devote the day instead for some relaxation and healing.

Be aware of what time your appointment is and show up early. Being at least fifteen minutes early is good. This will prevent you from arriving at the appointed place stressed out about the rush and the traffic, and it will also give you time for a shower or a soak at the tub, if these are available at the place you are going to.

If you know you are going to be late or you would be running to another place right after the massage, it would be better for you if you just reschedule the appointment. But before you do that, find out first the cancellation policy of the spa.

Do you want scented or unscented oil? Find out from the massage therapist what kind of oil she is going to use. If you are allergic to that oil or prefer something else, do not hesitate to bring your own.

2. During the massage. Always communicate with your massage therapist and be open with how you are feeling with regards the massage. You are there for your own comfort and relaxation, and so you should tell the therapist if there is something about the room or something that she is doing that you find uncomfortable.

Do you feel that the strokes the therapist is giving you too hard or too light? Speak up and ask her to change the pressure. Please keep in mind, though, that some massage techniques are supposed to be light, but you ought to ask her nonetheless.

Does a particular part of your body hurt and you want your therapist to pay attention to that part? Ask her to focus on it and she will concentrate most of her strokes towards treating that area.

Open your mind during the massage and relish the sensation of your muscles getting loosened and relaxed. Breathe deeply to make the cells of your body get the most out of the massage.

3. After the massage. A massage therapist will hand you a glass of water after the massage. Drink it to flush out the toxins that the massage released from your body. It would help a lot if you would spend the next hour after your massage on quiet and relaxing activities, such as a short and leisurely walk or a nap. Doing so will let the massage take its full effect on your body. A nice soak in warm water before you go to bed that day will help you feel more rejuvenated the morning after.

Preparing for Massage

The act of giving a massage is an act of service, even of love. People pay good money for a good massage treatment not only because it relaxes them and soothes their pain, but also because most of these people are aware that a regular massage promotes good health. Massage is also oftentimes an intimate experience in the emotional sense. The warmth of a massage therapist’s hands and the way she touches her client’s skin almost always opens a well of emotions in the client that the client usually suppresses.

Massage promotes health and well-being, and ample preparations beforehand are guaranteed to enhance the benefits that the receiver can get from the experience. The giver of the massage, whether she is a professional therapist or not, should ready herself and the place she will be working on before she undertakes the task of giving a massage.

The room that the giver of the massage will use should be clean and free of clutter. The atmosphere in this room should be relaxing and restful. In order to attain this air of relaxation in the room, the colors of the decor should be neutral and the lighting should not be glaring. The lamps could be draped with light fabrics for a dimmed effect. An alternative to lamps would be candles; candles with a soothing scent, like lavender, would do very nicely. The room should also be warm. To complete the effect, a CD with tracks of mellow instrumentals or sounds of nature, such as rainfall, ocean waves, or birds singing, can be played on the stereo on a low volume.

The giver of the massage should also be ready with the materials she will use. The massage surface is very important. It does not always have to be a massage table; a bed or a foam mattress on the floor will also do, as long as it is padded and firm. The massage surface should be covered with clean, easily washable cloths, and cushions should be provided for supporting the receiver’s body. Small towels for cleaning up and a large towel for providing warmth are also needed. And of course, the massage oil should be ready as well.

When the room and all the materials she will need are ready, then it is time for the giver to ready herself for giving the massage. Because she will be coming in close contact to the receiver of the massage, she should be clean and smelling fresh. Her hands should be clean and warm, and her nails short. So the massage will not be uncomfortable to both giver and receiver, the giver should wear loose clothes that will enable her to move freely, and she should take off her jewelry. Her hair should also be clipped or tied back.

Just as the aim of the massage is to make the receiver rest and relax, the giver of the massage should also be relaxed while doing her task. Before the massage, she should take time for silence, close her eyes and free herself of whatever worries she may have. Deep and rhythmic breathing is a good way of achieving this. She should also flex, stretch and shake her hands to loosen her fingers. She should also rub her hands as if she is putting hand lotion to warm them.

Proper preparing before the massage will ensure that the experience will not only be enjoyable for the receiver, but will also be of benefit to the giver.

Best Massage

The term best massage depends on the specific type of experience that you would like to have. The main general elements that people usually want their massage to encompass are as follows:

  • Massage for relaxation
  • Massage for invigoration
  • Massage for refreshing and revitalizing the body
  • Massage for rejuvenating and re-energizing the body

Of course this is not an exhaustive list, however the general principles remain the same from both between and within different cultures. The chosen methods, set ups, surroundings and other elements of a massage are of course very personal and individual. It will depend upon your state of mind and your aim overall as to what is the best massage for you to go with at any one given time or in any one given scenario. Unless you are very familiar with your own preferences it is well worth taking the time to think about and strongly consider what your body it trying to tell you… are you tired? Are you stressed? Are you uncomfortable in body, mind, or even spirit? Or maybe you are merely in need of some quality time for relaxing pampering your body in general… massage is a great opportunity to wind down and reflect on your life, and everything that is going on within it and around it, at any given period of time.

Different companies offer different products and services so it is well worth having a good look around to see what sort of options might be best suited to your needs. When you have selected a company or a specific specialist to go to then you can begin the more personal, more one to one, process of establishing your wants and needs before you even arrive at the venue for your massage.

Best massage for relaxation

In general, the best massage for relaxation is slow and deep. Sometimes they can also involve aspects such as Indian Head Massage, facials and nail care. This is the sort of ‘Spa Day’ relaxation treatment that dreams are made from. Relaxing, ambient music is always a complimentary addition to these sorts of massages. The massages that are aimed at relaxing and rejuvenating the body are often the best sort of massages to go for if you want to refresh and revitalize your body.

Best massages for invigoration

The best massage for invigorating and stimulating the body is usually more heady and potentially "rough". Your senses will be further stimulated to create a deeper feeling of energy and internal strength. The use of scented oils and more powerful, more stimulating, massage music is often used in there invigorating treatments. The massages that are aimed at rejuvenating and re-energizing the body are often the best sort of massages to go for if you want to invigorate and revitalize your body.

Home Massage

Home massage is becoming increasingly popular for those who wish to receive the benefits of a massage in the comfort of their own homes. There are many different products available on the market for people who range in knowledge and ability. You could choose to start exploring home massage with basic, beginner home massage products... and gradually build up to cutting edge spa scientific break-through and technology if you so wish. Of course the cost of the home massage products and home massage technological gadgets usually increases the more specialized you choose to become.

There are so many different types of home massage products and technological gadgets that it is almost hard to know where to start. Here are some basic guidelines to explain different types of home massages.

Home massage products – lotions, potions and massage oils

There are many home massage products to help you to begin your exploration. You can get massage oils that are scented, some are different colors and some have different properties. For example the home massage product could have a fine powder included within its make up to help stimulate the skin. There are often herbal extracts and essences taken from ultra rich minerals to rejuvenate and nourish the skin. There are also firming facial home massage products that intensify the experience, and home massage products that encompass anti-aging oils to detoxify and cleanse the skin.

Aromatherapy is widely believed to be very beneficial, and there are many different fragrances available from many stores and even online. Aromatherapy is good for soothing your skin, neck, head and shoulders. It helps to improve your skins appearance and your circulation in general as it re-stimulates the skin, adding firmness, leaving your skin radiant and youthful. Aromatherapy responds directly to your body’s needs and the home massage product that you choose will be made from the finest natural essential oils and plant extracts. There are even home massage products available for even the most delicate skin.

Home massage technical products and gadgets

Of course you can enjoy home massage simply using your hands, but as with all areas of our lives there are many home massage technical products to help us if we need them. Different products have different features and benefits, such as added elements to increase stimulation and comfort including heat and vibration. Some products are operated manually and some are battery powered. Again, the product that you choose for your home massage will largely depend upon your individual needs and requirements.

Home massage – outside professional help

It is becoming increasingly popular for people to hire professional beauty and sports therapists to come to their own homes to give them a massage, rather than going out to a clinic or spa. This is not only helpful if your mobility is not great, but also to add another element of relaxation to the entire process. After all we are usually most comfortable in our own homes. Different masseurs will charge different rates and have different specialities. There will definitely be the right person out there to help you with your home massage if you are not confident or able to do it yourself.

Sensual Massage

Sensual Massage is an intimate art, an ancient practice which is great for old and young alike. Sensual massage combines the physical with the spiritual, it is a fusion of environment, preparation and pressure points. It is as much about how to touch as it is about where to touch.

This massage can be performed by anyone, with a little practice, and it is proven to improve intimacy, trust and relationships.

Sensual massage is the ultimate stress reliever. Your partner will feel relaxed throughout the experience. Sensual massage tickles the senses, it shows the recipient the promises of unbridled passion if ever it is unleashed.
Although it holds back to emphasize the emotional over the physical, it can promote heightened sensuality, which can lead to less inhibitions during lovemaking.
Sensual massage is the perfect mood-setter for romantic encounters.

Sensual Massage Preparation

  • The temperature in the room needs to be comfortable; it is better to have the room too warm than too cool.
  • Turn down the lights and use several candles throughout the room.
  • Sensual lingerie is always an eye-pleaser, so use it.
  • Put on a CD with gentle, relaxing, romantic music.
  • Floral fragrances like jasmine, vanilla, rose, strawberry, raspberry are considered aphrodisiacs, so use scented candles, scented massage oils, or incense sticks.
  • Your hands should be warm. Rub oil in the palms of your hands to warm them up before they touch your partner's skin.

The Massage

Start out by lightly stroking your partner's body with the tips of your fingers (start on your partner's back).
Move from one area of the body to another covering shoulders, arms, thighs, calves and buttocks.

When your partner is completely relaxed, begin the sensual massage by making long, gliding strokes over your partner's body.
When you’ve covered the shoulders, arms, thighs, calves and buttocks, switch from long gliding strokes to short deep strokes.
For the deep strokes you need to lightly use your body weight rather than your arm strength, but be gentle.

As you work your way around using short deep strokes, also massage their feet and hands, brush over their buttocks and if you’re massaging a female partner, make sure you gently stroke her breasts.

When you think the time is right, begin working your way very slowly down your partner's legs gliding your hands as you go. Tease your partner by stroking their inner thigh.

When the sensual energy has had time to build, continue the massage with more strokes to the front of the body. Then, ... well, you can take it from there!

You Can Also Give Her A Sensual Bath

Simply fill the tub with warm water and bubbles, blindfold her and put her in the bath. You have the option of getting in with her, but you will likely have more freedom to maneuver and focus on the task if you stay out.

Massage Video Demonstration

Massage therapist Susan Winchester shows some tricks of the the trade on how to massage your partner.

Tip: Sexual Energy Release Points - neck and ears. Encourage your partner to breathe in a deep and relaxing manner as you gently massage their neck, making small circles over the release points on the upper neck and about halfway up the ears.

Self Brest Massage Technique

Neck Pain Neck Massage

Neck pain can be caused by injury, stress or by other health problems, including some that could have serious consequences.

One of the most common causes of neck pain, and sometimes headaches, is poor posture.

Your neck contains bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, muscles and nerves, any of which can hurt. Neck pain also may come from regions near your neck, such as your head and shoulders.

Giving Neck Massage

1. Place yourself at your partners head, while they are lying on their back. Oil the front of the body, starting with hands on their upper chest, then move down over the breastbone and back up the sides of the body to the starting position. Place hands on the upper chest, fingers pointing toward each other and press down, gliding the hands out toward the top of the arm.

2. Cradle the head in one hand and turn it slightly toward the right. With the other hand, glide firmly out from the center of the chest to the top of the arm, back along the top of the shoulder, and up the back of the neck to the base of the skull.

3. Make small circles along the back of the neck to release tension, then continue down the side of the neck to the chest. Stroke firmly down the side of the neck and out along the top of the shoulder, stretching the neck muscles.

4. Turn the head back to the center with both hands supporting the head under the neck, and pull gently to stretch out the neck muscles.

5. Turn the head to the opposite side and repeat the sequence for the other shoulder. Return the head to the center and pull gently. Make small, circular movements up the back of the neck to the skull and then stroke up the back of the head and off.

Heat can help relax sore muscles, but it sometimes aggravates inflammation, so use it with caution. Apply heat or ice for 15 to 20 minutes, with a 40-minute rest between applications.

For pain that doesn't get better, your doctor may recommend:

  • Physical therapy. Heat, ice or similar treatments combined with an appropriate stretching and muscle strengthening program may enhance the structures that support your cervical spine. Such treatments are often all you need for neck pain.
  • Pain medications. Your doctor may prescribe stronger pain medicine than what you can get over-the-counter. Opioid analgesics are sometimes used briefly to treat acute neck pain. Muscle relaxants also may be prescribed.

Also see your doctor if the following signs and symptoms occur together with neck pain:

  • Severe pain from an injury. After head or neck trauma, such as whiplash or a blow to your head, see your doctor immediately. Severe pain over a bone might indicate a fracture or an injury to a ligament.
  • Shooting pain. Pain radiating to your shoulder, through your shoulder blades or down your arm, or numbness or tingling in your fingers, may indicate nerve irritation. Neck pain from nerve irritation can last from three to six months or longer. Because serious problems may occur after continued nerve irritation, see your doctor.
  • Loss of strength. Weakness in an arm or a leg, walking with a stiff leg, or shuffling your feet indicates the need for immediate evaluation

Massage Strokes

There are many strokes used in giving massage, and each stroke has its own purpose. Each stroke used by a massage therapist in giving massage is chosen for a specific reason and not on some random whim. The therapist uses a particular kind of stroke depending on what her client wants out of the session of treatment, whether he or she wants to be relaxed or energized. That is how it is: a particular stroke can act like a calming sedative or a refreshing stimulant depending on the speed and pressure with which it is applied.

In massage, each stroke is done rhythmically, with one stroke flowing fluidly into the next. Also, massage strokes are ideally done with firmness towards the heart, and with lightness when moving away from it.

Below are the names of the massage strokes that a therapist often uses, and what these strokes are for.

Cupping. The hands and fingers are curled into a cup shape, and with the palms facing downward, are beaten across the area being massaged.

Draining. Draining is a stroke done with medium pressure and used with the heel of the hand on larger areas, or with the thumbs on smaller areas. The thumb or the heel of the hand is pushed upward along the sinew of the area being massaged and is aimed at stretching the muscle and increasing blood circulation.

Friction. Friction strokes are massage strokes specifically used to loosen knots in the muscles. It is always deep and with pressure, done using the thumbs and fingertips moving in tiny circles along the area being massaged. Some receivers of the massage prefer this stroke above all others; other receivers find it painful and could not tolerate it for long.

Gliding. The purpose of gliding strokes is to apply the massage oil onto the skin, as well as to stretch and relax the muscles of the person receiving the massage. The gliding stroke is done with the fingers together and the hands themselves outstretched; contact with the skin of the receiver of the massage is done with the flat of the giver’s hands. The gliding stroke can be firm and reassuring, or merely as light as a feather’s touch. It can be in a long and forward motion or in a circular pattern. One or both hands may be used in doing the gliding stroke.

Hacking. This stroke is also known as the chopping stroke. The sides of the hands, with the palms facing each other, beat up and down the area being massaged. Sometimes the hands are folded into loose fists for added pressure.

Kneading. Kneading is done on the fleshy parts of the body with the purpose of relaxing muscle tension and increase blood circulation. It is always done firmly, with both hands grasping the part being massaged and then mashing it with the fingers and the heel of the hands, like kneading dough.

Plucking. Plucking is done by lifting the flesh using the fingertips. The lifted muscle is then pinched before it is allowed to slide back.

Pulling. This is a stroke done on the muscles of the torso and of the legs. Done with both hands, with one alternating with the other, the muscles are pulled and stretched to loosen them.

Wringing. Wringing is done on the torso, the arms and the legs. The hands are placed on either side of the area being massaged and are moved in an alternating forward and backward motion, in an upward direction until it slowly reaches the head.

The giver of the massage should not forget to keep her hands and wrists relaxed in performing these different massage strokes, or else she would end up hurting her arms. The force of the massage should also not be limited to the giver’s arms and shoulders; she should use her entire body weight to perform the massage.

Massage Benefits

The spa business is booming all over the world, and more and more people, women and men alike, are becoming enamored with the comfort and relaxation that massage brings to their bodies.

We all know that soothes aching muscles and relieves pain, but are there other benefits to having our bodies massaged?

Here are some fast facts on what benefits we can get from massage.

Massage helps remove the feeling of pain in the body by stimulating the release of endorphins, which are the body’s feel-good hormones. Because massage relieves pain regardless of cause, it also lessens the body’s need for pain-killing medication.

Another type of hormones that massage helps to release is called cortisol, which is responsible for lowering the stress levels of the body. With lowered stress levels, the body becomes more capable of healing itself. It also lowers blood pressure, allows the body to breathe more properly and lessens feelings of anxiety.

Manipulation of the muscles through massage aids in loosening and relaxing stiffened muscles. Inflammatory afflictions such as arthritis and tendinitis can also be treated using massage.

The circulation of blood in the body is enhanced through massage. Improved circulation means improved supply of nutrients to individual cells of the body, not to mention improved transport of wastes from these cells.

Improved circulation also leads to clearer, softer and healthier skin, as the skin cells become more nourished with oxygen and nutrients.

It is said that massage helps break down accumulated fat underneath the skin, thus aiding weight loss.

Massage also aids in the stimulation of the lymphatic system, boosting the body’s immunity and natural defense mechanisms. A healthy lymphatic system means less susceptibility to various illnesses and the body’s heightened ability to heal itself.

Regular massage improves the flexibility of the joints and makes the body more capable of a wider range of movements. Fluidity of movement brought about by regular massage also reduces the probability of getting muscle injuries. It also improves posture.

In hospitals and other health facilities, massage is now being used to help trauma and surgery patients recover and be rehabilitated. Post-operative massage therapy is also claimed to help shorten the stay of patients in the hospital.

Many pregnant women now seek massage to relax their bodies and prepare themselves for childbirth. Such pregnant women who have undergone massage therapy during their gestation period are said to have shorter and less painful labors.

Massage fulfills the body’s need for touch. Regular massage improves emotional well-being by allowing the person to feel cared for and nurtured. Such not only lowers stress levels but also reduces a person’s tendency to feel anxious and sink into depression.

With massage, the mind is made to feel calm and relaxed. Such a state of the mind is good for enhancing focus and improving concentration, thereby making the mind more creative and productive. Massage also makes the mind aware of the body, allowing it to recognize more quickly its needs and possible afflictions.

Massage For Babies

Did you know that massage is just as enjoyable and beneficial to babies as it is to adults? Many proponents of complementary and alternative therapies are now recommending for massage to be administered to babies.

Just like in adults, massage will help an infant relax and sleep better. It also improves the baby’s circulation, which aids in enhancing health, and can also help the baby digest his or her food much easier. Most of all, massage strengthens the bond between the baby and the adult who gives the massage to him or her.

Below is a step-by-step guide to giving babies a massage.

1. Lay the baby on his or her back and then begin work on the face. With light and gentle strokes, massage the forehead with your fingers going outward to the temples. Afterwards, proceed from the nose to the ears, and then from the cheeks down to the chin.

2. Place your hands on the baby’s chest and rub your hands upward and then going outward to the arms.

3. Stroke the baby's belly, around the navel in particular, in a clockwise direction. After that, gently wring the baby’s belly and work your way upward.

4. Raise the baby's arm and stroke it with both hands from the shoulder to the wrist. Squeeze the baby’s hand and then rub the palm with your thumb. Remember to rub and rotate each finger.

5. Wring the baby's legs, one at a time, and then squeeze each leg starting from the ankle to the thigh. As you go back down to the ankle, make the return stroke as feather-light as possible.

6. Gently lay the baby on his or her stomach and begin stroking the back. As with the chest, move your hands upward and then out towards the arms. Knead the shoulders lightly.

7. Massage the baby’s buttocks by pinching or kneading.

8. Lightly rub your hands along the spine of the baby, starting from the neck to the tailbone.

9. Glide your fingers along the legs. To massage the baby's feet, bend the leg at the knee and clasp the ankles. Slowly rotate the foot, and then rotate and pull at the toes. Squeeze the baby’s heel and then rub your thumb along the arch and sole. Repeat these with the other foot.

10. End the massage by letting your fingers glide from the baby’s head, down to the toes.

Massage is good for the baby's well-being. If you do this to your baby on a regular basis, you will find it an enjoyable way to bond with your baby. However, always remember to keep your touch on the baby’s skin gentle and feather-light. Warm your hands first before starting the massage. The baby may squirm a lot so you just have to keep patient with him or her. If the baby is showing discomfort at what you are doing, just end the massage. Avoid doing this if the baby is a little feverish, because massage may make the fever worse, or if the baby has just eaten.

Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi Lomi massage or Hawaiian massage is a unique massage technique which involves prayers and chanting, as well as dancing the hula. This massage technique is based on the philosophy of the Huna, which holds that all things in this world seek to be loved and be in harmony with others. The Polynesians' word for this massage technique is "lomi lomi," which is actually their word for "massage."

In Huna, it is believed that negative thoughts and behavioral patterns, as well as bad memories, causes the body to lose its harmony with its surroundings. Love ebbs away from the system. The loss of harmony and the lack of love lead to stress and afflict the body with various forms of illnesses. The aim of lomi lomi massage, therefore, is to restore harmony to the body and make the body aware that it is loved.

Lomi lomi massage is not just about the relief of physical pain. In the application of the lomi lomi massage, the practitioner also seeks to bring calm into her client's mind and to bring balance back into his or her spirit. It is said that if caring and compassion is not present during a session of lomi-lomi massage, the treatment itself will not work.

A session of lomi lomi massage can be done with the client fully clothed, but oftentimes, it is done with the client having only a towel to cover the body. This exposure of skin helps the therapist to go about her work continuously.

A session of lomi lomi massage begins with prayers. The philosophy of the Huna holds to the existence of a higher power, and the aid of this higher power is invoked by the therapist with her hands laid on her client's body. The practitioner seeks the help of this higher power so that healing may take place as a result of the session. The client is also often asked to speak his or her own prayer, naming the affliction of his or her body which the massage session is supposed to handle.

In performing the massage, the practitioner makes use of aromatic massage oils, which she applies on her client’s skin. Broad, two-handed strokes are often used; it is not uncommon to feel one hand of the practitioner applying pressure on one part of the client's body, while her other hand is massaging another part. It is also not uncommon for the giver of the massage to make use of not just her hands but also her forearms and elbows.

There is no set routine with the lomi lomi massage, and so no two sessions of a lomi lomi massage are alike. Oftentimes, the therapist chants while performing the massage, and she also dances the hula. The purpose of the hula dancing during the massage may seem funny to those who experience the lomi-lomi massage for the first time, but it is actually a technique employed by the therapist to keep her body in harmony with her client's body. After all, the restoration of harmony is the point of lomi lomi massage.

Thai Massage

Leg Message

Hot Massage

The Hot Massage is a Great Massage
Hot Stone Massage is a massage therapy style that uses in which seasoned and heated stones are placed at specific locations on the body to promote relaxation and to help open up the merdians (energy pathways).

Basalt stones are the most common stones for a hot massage, but other types of stones can also be used.
If you want to give a hot massage, first you can hunt for your own stones in a riverbed or buy them from a massage supply company.
Get smooth stones of various sizes, with no sharp corners or rough spots.

Before the hot stone massage, you you have to season the stones. Basically, you just coat them in oil — massage oil or baby oil. Lavender is an essential oil used to promote relaxation and it's perfect for a hot stone massage.
Next, heat the stones by placing them in a roasting pan, covered with water. Heat the water and when the stones are warm, remove them from the water with tongs and dry them off with a towel.

If the stones are too warm, you can lay a sheet or towel between the person's skin and the hot stones.
Place the stones carefully on the back of the person receiving a hot stone massage. Put the larger stones on the areas with larger muscles.

The placing of the stones can be followed by a massage which can be deeper and more intense as heat penetrates the body and relaxes the muscles.

Benefits of Hot Massage

  • Promotes deep muscle relaxation
  • Relieves stress
  • Releases toxins
  • Alleviates pain
  • Improves circulation

Indulge yourself, get a nice hot massage!

Head Massage

A luxurious head massage with oil that is great for your scalp and hair.
This head massage improves circulation in your scalp, it brings more shine to your hair and makes the hair healthier overall.

For the head massage, you can use virgin olive oil (very readily available), or palm oil.

Click to see the video.

Foot Massage

The feet are the most abused and yet the most neglected parts of our bodies. Our feet support our weight when we are standing, which can be too much if one is overweight or has been standing still for a long time. Whenever we walk or run, the first to feel the shock of the contact between the ground and our bodies are our feet. We keep our feet confined in shoes and socks or stockings for most of the day. The ladies are prone to stressing out their feet more because of the ridiculous necessity of wearing high heels. No wonder our feet hurt so much at the end of the day!

This is why a good foot massage at the end of the day can be an exhilarating experience. Practitioners of reflexology and alternative medicine claim that the nerve endings on the foot correspond to a specific organ of the body, and so massaging certain areas of the foot is like massaging that particular organ to which it is linked. Whatever claims these practitioners of reflexology may have, the simple fact is that foot massage is so terrific that many who get them on a regular basis are ready to state that it is almost as good as getting a full body massage.

Giving a loved one a foot massage is certainly one of the best treats you can give him or her. The beauty of it is that it is so simple to do and there is very little cost involved. And yet, it is something that will definitely be appreciated afterwards, so much that you will have to gear yourself into giving more later on.

How can you give a foot massage? The first step to a good foot massage is creating the mood for it. A room that is clean, dimly lit, and where the air smells good is a great place to do that massage.

Make your partner bare his or feet and sit back on a reclining chair. Have your partner soak his or her feet in the basin of lukewarm water that you will provide. Make sure that the water is not too hot. If you have some essential oils, mix in a couple of drops with the water to make it nicer. Let your partner soak his or her feet for ten minutes, doing nothing but sitting there with his or her eyes closed.

After soaking, dry your partner’s feet one at a time. Then place a foot on your lap and just wrap your hands around the foot for a few minutes. This is to warm the foot and establish rapport between you and your partner. When you feel that your partner’s foot is warm enough, put a few drops of oil on your hands and rub them together. With your hands oiled and warm, rub the sole of the foot with your thumbs in a circular pattern, starting from the heel, up the arch and to the base of the toes.

Follow through the strokes of your thumb by making a fist of your hand and pressing the knuckles against the sole of your partner’s foot. Once again, start from the heel, up the arch and then to the base of the toes.

Do not forget to pay some attention to the toes of your partner. Carefully pull and tug at each toe. After doing this, lay the foot on your lap, plant your thumbs on its surface and then dig your fingers into the soles of the foot, going from heel to the base of the toe.

As a final touch, gently stroke the top of the foot with your fingertips and then dry the foot. Repeat the entire process with your partner’s other foot.

Your partner will certainly love the foot massage you will give him or her. Urge your partner to learn how to do it so he or she can treat you to a foot massage too.

Facial Massage

Massage, in whatever form, at the very least loosens the muscles and takes away pain and strain from the body, relaxes the body and calms the mind. A good massage that is done regularly helps to stimulate the release of feel-good hormones known as endorphins. It also improves the circulation of blood within the body and makes the elimination of wastes from the body more efficient.

Another good thing about massage is that it is not just for the body and the limbs. Massage can also be done on the face, and facial massage is touted to be one of the best anti-aging treatments ever.

Facial massage is good because of many reasons. For one, massage helps to exfoliate the skin, taking away dirt and dead skin cells that make the skin look dull. For another, massage increases the circulation of blood to the face, and such improved circulation makes the skin more nourished and brings to it a healthy glow. And yet another reason is that massage improves the elasticity of the skin, thereby removing the wrinkles and fine lines that are associated with aging.

Facial massage starts with the cleansing of the face. The skin of the face is exposed to warm steam, which then opens the pores of the skin. Using a gentle cleanser and other tools, the therapist cleans away the dirt and makeup off of the face. She may also use other tools to slough off blackheads and whiteheads.

Once the skin is cleansed, moisturizer is applied to the face to reduce the friction that would otherwise irritate facial skin. The type of moisturizer that the therapist would use depends on the skin type of the client’s face. Thick and heavy moisturizer is applied to dry facial skin; on the other hand, only light moisturizer is applied to oily facial skin. Sometimes, the application of moisturizer is skipped for people with extremely oily skin.

The facial massage routine that therapists typically use:

1. The hands are cupped around the head. In this, the thumbs would be placed on the forehead while the fingertips are at the temples. Using the thumbs, short vertical strokes are applied to the forehead, first to the line just above the eyebrows, and then moving upward to the hairline.

2. Light pressure is applied between the eyebrows using the thumbs. The thumbs then crawl along the center of the forehead towards the direction of the hairline.

3. Circular movements are made with the fingers on the temples, working from the temples down to the side of the face, until the fingers reach the jawbone and then the chin.

4. A line is traced with the fingertips from under the cheekbones to the temples.

5. Another line, like a mustache, is drawn using the fingertips from the upper lip towards the temples. Once the fingertips reach the temples, a circle is drawn there once or twice.

Deep Massage

Deep massage, or deep muscle massage, is a massage technique that basically aims to stimulate the muscles that are further from the surface of the skin. Deep massage is highly intense in pressure and is much more focused in specific areas as compared to more general relaxation specific massage techniques. Deep massage works through the therapists skills in releasing aches and pains such as muscle tension and "adhesions", or knots in the muscles. Deep massages can sometimes be a little bit more uncomfortable than a classic "relaxation" massage as the pressure is usually stronger and more intense. This pressure is made on purpose as a method of releasing the tension within the muscles in the more "hard to reach" areas of your body.

Deep massage usually involve the beauty therapist using slow strokes deep finger pressure on the specifically contracted muscle areas of your body. Deep massage techniques utilize much more direct and deep pressure to your body than a more "relaxing" massage. Deep massages usually make the best use of pressure and science by pressing across the grain of the muscles rather than with the grain of the muscles. This is proven to help the client with the contracted and painful areas of their bodies, and is exactly what defines the deep massage over and above other methods of relaxation or body soothing techniques. Deep massage can even sometimes help to break up and eliminate scar tissue in clients whose scars are relatively minimal and relatively painless to the touch.

These trained professionals use deep pressure of friction to give due attention and to focus on the more specific areas that your body needs in order to feel more relaxed and far less strained. Deep massages are more therapeutic than other types of massages and have much more long term implications in terms of corrective and therapeutic benefits. Deep massage helps to loosen your muscles and to release the unwanted toxins. Deep massage also helps to get the blood and oxygen flowing effectively and correctly through your veins, thus promoting a far more efficient and healthy circulation within your body.
Point to note: you should try to drink plenty of water after your deep massage to help to maintain the process and to continue to flush unwanted and harmful toxins from your body.

It is best to be aware that deep massage is not a simple method of relieving deep seated aches and pains. Adhesions (knots) in muscles are built up over time, and therefore take time to counteract effectively. A regular program of massage combined with relaxation techniques, advanced advice on ways of moving and posture are a good combination that is advised for solving the problem on a more long term scale.

There is a possibility that deep massages can cause the client slight discomfort either during or after the procedure, but this is advised as being entirely normal. In fact, just like going to the gym, the slight feelings of discomfort can actually be embraced as a sign of healing and can make the client feel empowered and stronger within themselves overall.

Breast Massage

The breasts are always a point of concern for women, a focus of physical feminine beauty. Aside from the need for the breasts to be healthy, most women desire to make their breasts appear beautiful – firm, shapely and perky. There are many women in the world who would not hesitate to spend thousands of dollars going through breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery or any other cosmetic procedure available just to get their breasts molded into the shape and size that they want.

To be in possession of a pair of healthy and lovely breasts, a woman does not always have to turn to surgery to attain this. Massaging a woman’s breasts is a practice that has been done for centuries in India and the Orient. Such a practice is documented in the Ayurveda, a medical system that originated in India and has been around for ages.

Breast massage can be tricky because breast tissues are quite delicate. However, if done properly and with exerting only moderate pressure, massaging the breasts are perfectly safe. Not only does massaging the breasts make them firmer, it also makes them healthier and aids in maintaining the balance of hormones in a woman’s body. The procedure is also quite simple.

A woman can massage her own breasts, but she can also have someone else do it for her. Naturally, this procedure requires baring the breasts and so it must be done in a private place. The woman can perform the massage lying or sitting down, whichever is more comfortable for her.

To avoid friction and discomfort, the lubrication of massage oil on the skin is also necessary. The application of the massage oil onto the breast is the first stage of the massage. The oil is applied in circular movements on the breast, with the direction going from the center of the chest towards the underarm area. Take care that only light pressure is exerted on the breast.

The second step to massaging the breast is done after the breast is fully covered in oil. The breast is to be kneaded gently by lifting it from the chest and pressing delicately with both hands. Alternately, with both hands holding the breast, the flesh should be twisted and wrung very gently.

After this, as the third step, the giver of the massage should try to scoop the fibers of the breast with utmost gentleness using the flat of the fingertips. The strokes should be done clockwise, and then counterclockwise.

As a last step, the flesh of the breast should be stroked and smoothened, with the direction of the fingertips going from the center away towards the side. This is the cooling down phase of the massage. When this is done, repeat all the steps on the other breast. The receiver should drink plenty of water afterwards.

Breast massage can be uncomfortable or even painful. This is why it is so important to exert only minimal pressure when massaging the breasts.

Massaging the breasts, however, is good for promoting their health and for giving it a firm and beautiful appearance.

Indeed, breast massage is one of the best ways to help create a more beautiful bustline by helping to shape, tone and promote growth of the breast and the area surrounding the breast.

Watch this breast massage video

Natural Breast Massage

Natural breast massage is one of the best ways to help create a more beautiful breast by helping to shape, tone and promote growth of the breast and surrounding area.

Massaging the breasts on a regular basis enhances the shape, size and overall attractiveness of their breasts, and promotes relaxation and peace of mind.

Click here to see Video 1

Click here to see Video 2

Back Massage

Back pain is one of the most common ailments for which people turn to massage therapists to alleviate. There are even a number of massage therapies that pay special attention to the back. You do not have to set an appointment with a massage therapist, however, to get a simple but relaxing back massage. A back massage is something you and your partner can learn for yourselves and give to each other whenever you feel that it is needed.

Enumerated below is a step-by-step routine on how to massage your partner's back. But before you proceed to work on your partner, make sure that the atmosphere in the room where you will be doing the massage is conducive to relaxation.

A clean room is a relaxing room, so make sure that the room is clean.
Toss a CD of relaxing instrumentals into your player and, for added effect, light some scented candles.
Also, take a shower and warm your hands before giving a massage; you need to be in a relaxed state yourself in order to be able to give an effective massage.

The back massage routine listed below makes use of effleurage, which is a massage stroke that is long and sweeping. It is meant to loosen and relax the muscles and to make each part of the body feel connected to each other.

  • Since this is a back massage, make your partner lay on his or her stomach. If you have a massage table at home, that would be awesome, but the bed or the couch will do as long as it is firm and your partner would be comfortable laying there.
  • Rub some massage oil in your hands to warm them up. Then, using both hands, apply massage oil to your partner's back and make firm strokes from the lower back up to the neck. Trace a circular path on your partner's back with your hands when you return your hands to the lower back.
  • Press the heels of your hands to the lower back of your partner, one at each side of the spine, and move them in a circle starting from the lower back, coming upward to the center of the back and then outward until you get your hands back to your starting position. Slowly move your strokes upward until you reach the shoulders.
  • With your fingertips, and with one hand lying on top of the other, press against the muscles of the back on the side opposite where you are standing. This means that if you are standing to the right of your partner, press to the left side of his back. Gradually move from the lower back to the shoulders, and then repeat on the other side.
  • Using firm and deliberate pressure, let your thumbs travel the length of both sides of the spine, moving towards the shoulders, then returning to the lower back. Find the knots and the bunched up spots on the area being covered.
  • Using your forearms this time, apply pressure to the lower back, and then rub your arm that is closer to your partner’s head towards the lower end of the shoulder blades.
  • While performing the massage thus far, you may have noticed some knots and bunched up spots on your partner’s back, or he/she may have told you about particularly painful areas on his/her back. Press your thumb on each painful spot until the pain lessens or disappears.
  • Repeat steps 2 to 4, and then lightly tap your fingertips along your partner's back. After wards, give your partner a glass of water or two and then leave him or her to rest and relax.

  • Aquatic Massage Therapy

    Floating on water is very relaxing. Even if you cannot swim very well, you can still benefit from the freedom of movement that you can get from just floating on water. It does not take much effort, floating on water; all you need to do is to lay back on the water’s surface and let the water carry your body. The water instantly washes away your cares and worries, and it lets you move in ways that you cannot move when you are on a solid surface.

    The relaxing effect of water on the body and the wider range of movement that water lets people do while floating on it is something that massage therapists have taken advantage of in promoting health and well-being with their clients. A particular technique has been developed that relies exactly on this, and it is called aquatic massage therapy.

    Aquatic massage therapy is done while the client is either floating or soaking in a therapeutic pool. To further relax the body, the water in the pool is always kept at 95 degrees Fahrenheit. The heat of the water seeps into the skin and helps loosens the muscles. It also calms the nervous system and makes the patient feel good.

    Aquatic massage therapy is recommended for people who suffer from muscular ailments that limit their movements. Such ailments include, but are not limited to, arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism. It is also done on patients who have sustained injuries after operation and nerve damage. This type of massage is also favored by pregnant women. It is also good for people who are afflicted by insomnia and other sleep disorders.

    In aquatic massage therapy, the patient is made to float or is submerged in the water. Sometimes, his or her legs are propped up in some form of support, like a pool-noodle or a paddle. The patient’s body is supported by the therapist, who massages the patient and coaxes him or her to make stretching movements.

    There are two main forms of massages that therapists use in aquatic massage therapy, namely watsu and Jahara. Watsu is derived from shiatsu, and so the strokes, the application of pressure and the stretches are all designed to activate the acupoints of the body and release the flow of energy through the body. Because water provides the body with a wider range for movements, the stretches are gentle and coax the body into increased flexibility, something that could be painful if done on solid surface.

    The second form of massage typically used in aquatic massage therapy is the Jahara massage. The Jahara massage is designed to help lengthen the spine. This is also done through joint stretches that are proven safe and gentle. The musculature of the body and the alignment of the spine are taken well into consideration in the performance of a Jahara massage in the water; all strokes and stretches are made to be suited to the body’s musculature and alignment.

    Aquatic massage therapy is great not just for relaxation but also for healing. Through aquatic massage, the body regains the freedom of movement that was taken from it. It makes the body more limber and flexible.


    If you watch martial arts movies, it is highly likely that you have seen a character in such a movie take down his or her enemy through the simple act of pressing certain points in the enemy’s body. The application of pressure on these particular points on the body of the enemy can debilitate him or her in many ways, like making him or her paralyzed or blind.

    In defeating his or her enemy through the simple power of the fingertips, these martial artists apply the principles of what is called acupressure. Acupressure, however, is not a mere combat maneuver; it is actually an ancient massage technique used by practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine. And by ancient, we mean that acupressure has been around for around 5,000 years.

    In acupressure, it is believed that the body has 14 meridians running through it, and through which energy, also called as chi, flows through the body. An imbalance in the hot and cold elements of the body, more known as an imbalance between the yin and the yang, can cause this flow of energy to be blocked, leading the body to experience pain and illness. The purpose of acupressure is to remove these blockages in order for energy to flow more freely by pressing certain points along the 14 meridians. In releasing this latent energy, the natural ability of the body to heal itself is revived and the body becomes rejuvenated and healthy.

    Acupuncture actually works on the same principle followed in acupressure. However, unlike acupuncturists, a massage therapist who specializes in acupressure does not have any need for using needles. Acupressure is a non-invasive healing technique, and the massage therapist only uses her fingertips, hands, elbows and knees in manipulating the pressure points on her client’s body.

    Whichever pressure points are manipulated by the massage therapists depends on the client’s condition that is being treated through acupressure. Certain pressure points correspond to certain parts of the body. For example, it is said that applying pressure to specific acupoints on the soles of the feet can relieve migraine. Abdominal problems are treated by pressing some parts of the abdomen. The application of light pressure on the backs of the knees is claimed to be a treatment for lower back pain.

    Acupressure is said to be effective in treating various types of illnesses, not just stress and muscle pain. There are claims that such ailments as eyestrain, nausea, motion sickness, morning sickness for pregnant women, arthritis, fibromyalgia and a host of other illnesses can be healed through acupressure. This is not proven yet according to conventional scientific means, but there are tests that prove that applying pressure on specific focal points of the body encourages the release of endorphins, the body’s feel-good hormones. Acupressure also stimulates increased circulation of cell-nourishing blood through the body, not to mention lymph fluids that take away the cell’s waste materials.

    Acupressure, however, is not a miracle procedure. Whatever pain the body feels will not go away in just one session. Treatments often take as much as eight sessions, and sometimes even more depending on the seriousness of the condition being treated. Acupressure is nonetheless quite easy enough to learn, and you can do it on yourself if you need to.

    Some people who suffer from certain ailments should avoid acupressure; in particular, people who are afflicted with infectious diseases and skin ailments; pregnant women; and people who have problems with their heart, lungs or kidneys.

    Massage Music

    Massage music is an ideal method to help to achieve a sense of total relaxation for your body mind and soul. There are many more elements involved within the genre of massage music than first meets the eye. Here is a basic beginners guide to help get you started.

    What is massage music?

    Massage music is traditionally ambient in theme – the definition of this is "a musical genre that focuses largely on the timbral characteristics of sound, often organized of composed to evoke an atmospheric, visual or unobtrusive quality".

    Meditative, peaceful and soothing in tone, massage music is the ideal soundtrack for helping to create a warm peaceful and relaxing background. The combination of the relaxing sound track and the physical stimulus of the actual massage itself make a perfect combination if you want to relax, unwind, and generally feel relieved of stress worries and woes.

    What does massage music actually sound like?

    Massage music, just like any music, comes in a vast array of varieties and forms.
    As a starting point, for example, you could choose to select a specific artist that specialises in the creation of massage music, just like an individual artist or band in the pop charts. But if you are unfamiliar with the massage music genre perhaps the most common place to start is with a massage music compilation. There are many, many different compilation albums available to purchase to download onto your computer, or in a "hard format" such as on a CD, DVD, or even cassette tape. And within this there are also of all sorts of different sounding types of massage music available from all good stores or over the Internet.

    What sort of instruments are used to create massage music?

    The types of instrument that are commonly used in the creation of massage music include the piano, harp, strings, flute, oboe, lute, guitar, sitar, Tibetan bells and keyboard amongst many others. There are also many popular types of sounds involved within massage such as chimes, earthrial voices, whale sounds and synthesizers.

    Massage music themes and compilation titles are often along the lines of angel music, ancient echoes, ocean music, ethereal tones, chants and the like.

    What is Body Massage

    Body Massage ?

    Touch is a very important part of human contact. It helps us feel connected and loved by those around us.

    Massage uses touch through rubbing or kneading of parts of the body to aid circulation, relax the muscles, or provide sensual stimulation.

    Massage is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy.
    The basic goal of massage therapy is to help the body heal itself and to increase health and well-being.

    There are many health benefits to receiving massage therapy on a regular basis:

    • Relieves stress
    • Encourages relaxation
    • Improves circulation
    • Improves posture
    • Lowers blood pressure
    • Helps manage pain
    • Relaxes muscles
    • Improves flexibility
    • Improves breathing
    • Relieves tension headaches
    • Strengthens immune system
    • Decreases depression

    A good massage is an exhilarating experience.

    Many supermodels receive massage on a regular basis. Click on the Link Below to see the video.