Saturday, December 12, 2009

Massage Oil Recipes

For an original, special massage, prepare your massage oil yourself. Free massage oil recipes.

Coconut And Pineapple Massage Oil - Refreshing massage oil ...

Cold And Flu Massage Oil - For cold and flu relief ...

Foot Massage Oil - Easy to make foot massage oil ...

Muscle Massage Oil - Soothing massage oil ...

Pain Relief Massage Oil - Soothing massage oil ...

Romantic Massage Oil - Special massage oil ...

Stress Relief Massage Oil - Soothing massage oil ...

Chocolate Massage Bar - Hmmm, chocolate massage

Coconut Pineapple Massage Oil

Coconut Pineapple Massage Oil Recipe

1 cup carrier oil (olive oil, sweet almond oil, or grapeseed oil)
1/4 teaspoon coconut fragrance oil
1/4 teaspoon pineapple fragrance oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Cold And Flu Massage Oil

Cold And Flu Relief Massage Oil Recipe

10 teaspoons grapeseed oil
5 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
5 drops Lavender essential oil
5 drops Ravensara essential oil
5 drops Marjoram essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Foot Massage Oil

Foot Massage Oil Recipe

4 tablespoons of sweet almond oil
10 drops spearmint essential oil
10 drops rosemary essential oil
5 drops wintergreen essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm oil before the foot massage.

Muscle Massage Oil

Muscle Relief Massage Oil Recipe

2 tablespoon carrier oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
8 drops rosemary essential oil
4 drops ginger essential oil
3 drops peppermint essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Pain Relief Massage Oil

Pain Relief Massage Oil Recipe

1/4 cup carrier oil
8 drops lavender essential oil
5 drops peppermint essential oil
2 drops chamomile essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Romantic Massage Oil

Lovers Romantic Massage Oil Recipe

2 tablespoons carrier oil
2 tablespoon rosehip seed oil
20 drops patchouli essential oil
10 drops lemongrass essential oil
10 drops vanilla fragrance oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Stress Relief Massage Oil

Stress Relief Massage Oil Recipe

10 teaspoons grapeseed oil
10 drops Lavender essential oil
10 drops Petitgrain essential oil
5 drops Ylang Ylang essential oil

Combine the ingredients in a bottle or small bowl and shake gently until well blended. Pour into a small bottle and seal it.
Warm the oil before the massage.

Chocolate Massage Bar

Chocolate Massage Bar Recipe

1/2 cup melted cocoa butter
1 tablespoon bees wax
1 tablespoon coconut oil

Melt the ingredients in a double boiler, then mix the well to combine them. Remove fromt he heat and let the mixture cool just enough to release some of the heat. Pour the mixture into candy molds and allow to continue to cool overnight.

These massage bars have a chocolate aroma and are solid when they at room temperature, but melt easily at body temperature, when rubbed in your hands.
To use your massage bar, rub it in your hands and the bar will start to melt. You can then use to share a massage or on freshly shaved legs.

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