Deep massage, or deep muscle massage, is a massage technique that basically aims to stimulate the muscles that are further from the surface of the skin. Deep massage is highly intense in pressure and is much more focused in specific areas as compared to more general relaxation specific massage techniques. Deep massage works through the therapists skills in releasing aches and pains such as muscle tension and "adhesions", or knots in the muscles. Deep massages can sometimes be a little bit more uncomfortable than a classic "relaxation" massage as the pressure is usually stronger and more intense. This pressure is made on purpose as a method of releasing the tension within the muscles in the more "hard to reach" areas of your body.
Deep massage usually involve the beauty therapist using slow strokes deep finger pressure on the specifically contracted muscle areas of your body. Deep massage techniques utilize much more direct and deep pressure to your body than a more "relaxing" massage. Deep massages usually make the best use of pressure and science by pressing across the grain of the muscles rather than with the grain of the muscles. This is proven to help the client with the contracted and painful areas of their bodies, and is exactly what defines the deep massage over and above other methods of relaxation or body soothing techniques. Deep massage can even sometimes help to break up and eliminate scar tissue in clients whose scars are relatively minimal and relatively painless to the touch.
These trained professionals use deep pressure of friction to give due attention and to focus on the more specific areas that your body needs in order to feel more relaxed and far less strained. Deep massages are more therapeutic than other types of massages and have much more long term implications in terms of corrective and therapeutic benefits. Deep massage helps to loosen your muscles and to release the unwanted toxins. Deep massage also helps to get the blood and oxygen flowing effectively and correctly through your veins, thus promoting a far more efficient and healthy circulation within your body.
Point to note: you should try to drink plenty of water after your deep massage to help to maintain the process and to continue to flush unwanted and harmful toxins from your body.
It is best to be aware that deep massage is not a simple method of relieving deep seated aches and pains. Adhesions (knots) in muscles are built up over time, and therefore take time to counteract effectively. A regular program of massage combined with relaxation techniques, advanced advice on ways of moving and posture are a good combination that is advised for solving the problem on a more long term scale.
There is a possibility that deep massages can cause the client slight discomfort either during or after the procedure, but this is advised as being entirely normal. In fact, just like going to the gym, the slight feelings of discomfort can actually be embraced as a sign of healing and can make the client feel empowered and stronger within themselves overall.
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